Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Garden Is Slowly Coming Together...

Over the last week or two I have got quite a bit accomplished in the yard... another reason for my lack of posting and updating my blog.

Well, since I last posted about my yard I have manged to put out about 2 yards of mulch and have 2 more to go. I also planted 28 Crape Myrtles; my proudest accomplishment seeing how I purchased them LAST YEAR and never got them in the ground till this year. They are the pink Souix Crape Myrtles and were planted 3 to a pot about 2 feet high.

I lost a few over the winter but still had 28 healthy crape myrtles left. I paired them up- using to per hole and used them to create a perimeter around my front yard on both roads (I live at the corner of an intersection on old dirt roads...) I am hoping by the end of the year they will be nice and thick and over the next few years put on some height.

My main goal is that in about 5 years I will have a 'screen' type privacy that is still see through, obviously, but adds to the decor.

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